Tuesday 7 July 2009


Shoplifting is a subject that I think we all understand is wrong. Morally what it boils down to is theft and is therefore against the law. There are still of course moderate degrees of shoplifting that are deemed to be less serious. Stealing a Kit Kat will not be held in such a high regard as our classes CD pilferer, yet both crimes are essentially the same thing, you're just taking less money from the person supplying the goods. There are of course biblical connotations to this such as the ten commandments that say that stealing is wrong yet the story about the man who steals bread to feed himself and his starving family is seen as perfectly fine (providing of course he doesn't get caught). This is a strange one as myself and another student commented in class because though it is a very strict taboo to steal there seems to be lax rules surrounding it. When compared to internet downloading which basically everyone in the world does illegally it doesn't seem as bad but it is exactly the same thing. You are taking a persons trade for free hence making them lose out on money they are trying hard to make.

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