Friday 10 July 2009

Body Modification

Body modification in terms of tattoos and piercings is normally perceived as an act of rebellion and deviance. Yet mostly people use them as a form of expression and have them because they mean something. People who undergo plastic surgery however act on the belief that they are unhappy with the current look of their body. I would not deem body modification as a necessarily bad thing but it is the stereotypical view of some people that such things are symbols of deviance and frown upon it. It is also shown on TV as people who are going against society, convicts, rebels, and general baddies all have tattoos and piercings. This is of course not true yet people do seem to be tarred with the same brush because of their appearance. I however do not believe that the way people look should be a judgment on their character although because of social norms it is hard not to.

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